Festivalbericht: Learning from STN:ORT 2018: Experiences, Insights, Goals (ENG)
This document reports about the processes through which the festival was realized. It provides information about the audiences and collaborators involved. As a self-critical report, it not only takes stock of positive learning experiences, but also makes space to reflect on areas that need further improvement in coming years. With this report, the author hopes to share some of the knowledge and experience gained during Stn:ort 2018 and help improve future events. Another goal of this document is to make processes around the place-making of Sztynort more accessible to a transnational heritage community. Further, as the producer of Stn:ort 2018, FairerTales strives for accountability and transparency about its activities: It thereby aims for more inclusivity in the place-making process.
Festival Program
Experimentelle Spaziergänge