STN:ORT 2023
For the seventh time, the Stn:ort Festival invites its international audience of all ages to participate in a select and stimulating programme of concerts, discussions, workshops, installations, art, theatre, author readings and networking meetings with delicious food in the most beautiful location. Directly at the harbour of Sztynort, not far from the castle, cultural workers from different countries will present their programme in an open atmosphere for four days and invite you and you alone to participate. Thanks to free entry and open structures, the festival invites you to linger, explore and participate. All those interested are welcome to attend. For pronunciation: STN:ORT Festival leaves it up to visitors whether they want to say Steinort-Festival or Sztynort-Festival – for STN they may choose the missing letters themselves.
The Festival Motto
This year’s motto “Circles, Circles and Bubbles” is at the same time an analysis, a question and a vision of the future of our society. How can we create dialogue, cooperation and community in a society that often seems to be divided into “circles, circles and bubbles”? How can we prevent exclusion and exclusivity and open space for authentic encounter? And can our society learn from the circularity and cycles in nature to counter the climate catastrophe?
The Castle
A ruin? A building site? A monument? A place of remembrance? Or simply a special PLACE around which we like to meet again and again to come together, and at the same time to gain distance? Steinort Castle in the present-day village of Sztynort, around which the STN:ORT Festival is organised, is an important German-Polish cultural heritage with great cultural value: this stems on the one hand from its history and architecture, and on the other hand from the binational efforts to reinvent and rebuild it. The castle is also a symbol of resistance to the Nazi regime: Steinort’s last lord of the castle, Count Heinrich von Lehndorff, was involved in the failed Stauffenberg assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler on 20 July 1944; he was executed by the Nazis for his complicity.
The Location
Its geographical proximity to the Kaliningrad Oblast, Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine, as well as its location in former East Prussia, make Sztynort a testimony to cultural interconnectedness. The festival builds on this through its international orientation, its passion for cultural inspiration and the idea of community. Sztynort itself is situated in the midst of beautiful nature and the Masurian Lake District, offers access to Lake Mamry through Port Sztynort and is thus in the middle of a popular holiday region known for its diverse flora and fauna.
STN:ORT Festival Programme 2023
Pt./Fr. |
11:00, Eröffnung – Aktionsthater “Geschichten aus Sztynort” Agnieszka Ania Włodarska Olsztyn – Klang Mandala: Margaux Kier, Köln und Radek Bekieler, Trójmiasto Mittags: Buffet-Tisch der Landfrauen Węgorzewo
15:00, Forum „Zivilcourage“ Mit Gästen aus der Ukraine, Belarus, Polen und Deutschland/ Moderation: Joanna Szymanska Pop-up Installation: Digital Migrant Activism/ Zuzanna Kleban
19:00, Konzert: Nadzeya Karakulka plays #musicforbelarus
11:00 Otwarcie – Teatr akcji “Opowieści ze Sztynortu” Agnieszka Ania Włodarska Olsztyn – Mandala Dźwięku: Margaux Kier, Köln i Radek Bekieler, Trójmiasto Południe: stół bufetowy kól gospodyn wiejskich z okolicy Węgorzewa 15:00 Forum “Odwaga cywilna Z udziałem gości z Ukrainy, Białorusi, Polski i Niemiec/ Prowadzenie: Joanna Szymańska Pop-up Installation: Digital Migrant Activism/ Zuzanna Kleban 19:00, Koncert: Nadzeya Krakluka plays #musicforbelarus. Na białoruskim cymbale: Nadzeya Karakulka, Ratingen/ UA |
Sob./, Sa. |
11:00, Filmvorführung: Der Tresor Masurens.
FÄLLT AUS 15:00 Erinnerung ans Paradies – Treffen mit ehem. Kindern aus Steinort. Agata Kern, Ostpreußisches Landesmuseum Lüneburg Pop-up Installation: Postkarte aus Douala, Kamerun: Begegnung mit den Kulturschaffenden Chantal Edie und Zachary Ngnogue 18:00 Workshop: Gesellschaftliches Archiv (CAS – Centrum archiwistyki społecznej, Stowarzyszenie Dziedzictwo Nasze)
11:00, Pokaz Filmu. : Skarbiec Mazurski
Odwołane: 15:00 Pamięć o raju – Spotkanie z byłymi dziećmi ze Sztynortu. Agata Kern, Muzeum Regionalne Prus Wschodnich w Lüneburgu Pop-up Instalacja: Pocztówka z Douali, Kamerun: Spotkanie z działaczami kultury Chantal Edie und Zachary Ngnogue 18:00 Warsztaty: Społeczne Archiwum (CAS- Centrum archiwistyki społecznej, Stowarzyszenie Dziedzictwo Nasze)
Nd./ So. |
11:00, Runder Tisch Steinort: Vorstellung der Konzeption für Schloss Steinort
Mit Gästen aus der Expertengruppe zur Erarbeitung der Konzeption Moderation: Prof. Dr. Dieter Bingen, Köln & Prof. Dr. Robert Traba, Olsztyn 15:00 SKIL3SS. OhneTalent. Gespräch mit WSCC/ SKIL3SS über die Serie aus Giżycko 17:00, Ndáb Cchum– Tell your stories. (Kamerun 2022, FR/ENG). Restitution in Kamerun: Dokumentationsfilm 19:00, Musikabend mit Jam Session |
11:00, Okrągły Stół Steinort: Prezentacja koncepcji pałacu w Sztynorcie/ Steinort
Z udziałem gości z grupy eksperckiej pracującej nad koncepcją Moderacja: Prof. dr hab. Dieter Bingen, Kolonia & Prof. dr hab. Robert Traba, Olsztyn 15:00 SKIL3SS. Beztalencia Rozmowa z udziałem WSCC/ SKIL3SSo produkcji ich serialu z Giżycka 17:00, Ndáb Cchum– Tell yourstories (Kamerun 2022, FR/ENG). Restytucja w Kamerunu: Film dokumentalny 19:00, Muzyczny wieczór z Jam Session |
Pon./Mo. |
11:00, “Against The Wall – Cooperation”: Mural-Workshop mit Andrzej Wieteszka 15:00, Autor:innen-Begegnung: – Ella Sophie Lindow, Tod in Masuren Spielangebot für Kinder 19:00, Abschlusskonzert: Willa Weber – atmosphärisches Klassik Crossover mit Daniel Elias Brenner. After-Party: Cycle & Circle Disco/ DJ Nikita |
11:00, “Against the Wall- Cooperation”: Warsztaty Muralu z Andrzejem Wieteszka
15:00, Spotkanie autorskie: – Ella Sophie Lindow, Śmierć na Mazurach – Wojciech Łukowski: Giżycko: małe miasto w WIELKIM ŚWIECIE Gry dla dzieci 19:00, Koncert finałowy: Willa Weber – Atmospheric Classic Crossover z Danielem Elias Brenner. After-Party: Cycle & Circle Disco/ DJ Nikita |
Täglich/ codziennie 11.-14.08.
12.08., 11:00 (Sztynort) & 13.08., 11:00 (Łabapa) |
Bewirtung durch Landfrauen um Sztynort (12-14:00)
Nicht-Weiße Flagge: Mobile Stickerei für Schloss Steinort, Sytznort, Sztynort, Łabapa und Umgebung |
Jedzenie przygotowane przez koło gospodyń z okolic Sztynortu
Nie-biała flaga: Mobilne Wzszywianki dla pałacu w Sztynorcie, Sztynort, Łabapa i okolice |